500+ American English Homophones with Pronunciation
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Settle into the seat, and place your legs to either side of a ridge of your choice. The best examples of this in other chairs are the tractor-style seat pans. The chair has adjustable leg supports and can be adapted perfectly to the user, regardless of height.
Date spisebordsstolen fra Varier, er designet af Olav Eldøy. Form — ® is known for developing chairs with a distinctive style, and for using materials which destine them to become future classics. Man kan sidde i flere forskellige stillinger.
Variér - Stolen er den ideelle spisebordsstol, som passer perfekt til gode middage. It allows the most movement and offers the greatest support.
Variér Firmaet Variér går ind for bevægelse i møblerne. Movement and variation promote and renew strength. Energy, ideas and well-being are released through variation and movement. Variér® has built its unique sitting concept on this principle. The chairs give freedom for natural movements and variation so you can concentrate on the activity in hand, be it reading, listening, eating or simply relaxing. Form — ® is known for developing chairs with a distinctive style, and for using materials which destine them to become future classics. A unique combination of aesthetics, comfort and technology ensures that the chairs are both amazing to look at and amazing to sit in. Variér® has a long tradition in working with acclaimed designers. Function — Variér® is known for developing chairs which inspire you to move naturally. Natural and variable ways of sitting enhances wellbeing of body and soul. Kokon Design: Thomas Pedersen Model: Kokon Udførelse: Variér Kokon er en klassisk, kompakt lænestol, der på moderne vis udtrykker tidløs elegance og uovertruffen komfort. Dens kompakte form, brugervenlighed og klassiske design før den særligt alsidigt. Kokon lænestolen er en drejestol, som kan dreje 360 grader. Den kan sænkes ned i en helt tilbagelænet hvileposition og låses fast på en tilbagelænet stilling efter dit valg. Man kan sidde i flere forskellige stillinger. Kokon giver dig støtte lige der, hvor du har brug for det. Det gælder både i oprejst stilling, og når du læner dig tilbage for virkelig at slappe af. Foden er en metalkrydsfod i mat kromfinish. Variér Kokon er designet med øje for din komfort: - Armlæn støtter din overkrop.